
Cobh4Football Mission Statement

Cobh4Football exists to bring unity and common development goals to football in the town of Cobh

The overall goal of C4F is to develop high quality facilities for the young people of Cobh where they can develop & play their football at an affordable price for all

To work with each club and assist with their development strategy away from the pitch.

To put a long term structure and binding agreement that will ensure a healthy footballing future on this Great Island for Years to Come.


Cobh 4 Football News

Cobh 4 Football outlines future plans at information evening

There was a great turnout on Monday evening in the Commodore Hotel’s Jack Doyle room where members of Cobh 4 Football presented their plans for the future of Cobh football and the progress made to date. With members of all 4 of Cobh’s football clubs in attendance Mark Farrell went through the finer details of […]

Cobh 4 Football Open information evening

All welcome for information on the AstroTurf facility progress, future plans, fundraising and more! ‬ Invite you friends, your family, everyone, and help Cobh get the football facility it deserves. ‪Our Town, Our Sport, Our Future. ‬

Breaking The Silence Cobh

Breaking The Silence is a voluntary group that works to help create a Suicide Safer Community by connecting the person at risk of Suicide with life preserving resources. How do we do this? We do this by providing a number of FREE training programmes to the Community including Safe Talk, ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills […]